Saturday, April 24, 2010

Carpe Diem!

Not only do I love that phrase, Carpe Diem (Sieze the Day), I love the Carpe Diem Kombucha.  I am fairly new to the Kombucha world.   Kombucha is a fermented tea that you drink for health purposes.

Kombucha was first drank in Russia, China and Japan.  Kombucha contains many different cultures and organic acids, active enzymes, amino acids and polyphenols.  Many people claim health benefits including detoxifying and energizing and some even claim cancer-curing.  I don't know about all of those claims, I do know that when I drink it, I do have more energy and I feel better!

The first couple of times I tried Kombucha, I wasn't too fond of it. It has a distinctive taste.  I think Brian described it as vinegary.  Then I had some of the best tasting Kombucha  at 105 degrees in Oklahoma City.  After that, I was on the search to find a great tasting Kombucha.  I've tried several different brands, but Carpe Diem is my top pick!

Carpe Diem Kombucha comes in 3 flavors, Classic, Quince and Cranberry.   I was so excited when my package arrived in the mail.  Evidently so was Brian because I had the bottles on the counter, went to get my camera to take a photo and when I came back into the kitchen Brian was drinking the Cranberry!  So, in the photo, you see that it isn't full :)

Carpe Diem contains only natural ingredients, no artificial sweeteners or additives.  I really liked all the flavors, but I think the Quince was my fave and Brian liked the Cranberry the best. 

I like to drink it before a workout, it just gives me an extra energy boost to get through some of those tough workouts.  I also think the Kombucha helps with bathroom issues.  If you have trouble going, try some Kombucha!

You can find Carpe Diem on amazon and in some Whole Foods Stores.  Not near me though - too bad, I'll just have to order online!  I do love shopping online!

Be sure to check out Carpe Diem on facebook,  "Like" them ( still not sure I am liking all the changes facebook continues to do). 

Discussion:  Have you tried Kombucha?  What are your thoughts?  Does it give you an energy boost?