Friday, July 30, 2010

Friday Challenge - Walking edition

Happy Friday y'all!!  We have a BIG weekend planned and have been getting things ready.  The house is looking good, the yard is looking even better!  Brian has been working so hard on it and I'm in lurve!  with the deck and Brian :)

Since it is Friday, that means another challenge.  It's all about the walk!  so today, we are going to move and when you go out today, park in the farthest spot and walk, go for a walk today - either a leisurely walk with a friend or a brisk walk and get a good calorie burn.

Walking is one of the best exercises you can do.  It is easy on your joints and a great way to build up to a more strenuous exercise, if you want to.

When I wear my bodybugg, I love seeing the step counter.  10,000 steps is the goal for every day.  Do you think you get that many?  More?  Less?  It was surprising to me when I actually saw how many steps I was taking - it was not 10,000.  The bodybugg is a good thing for me to make sure that I am on track and if I'm not, I know I need to move.  You can also use a pedometer.  Whatever works for you, just be sure to walk and move.

The Project You! Type 2 workout has a great walking cd.  I love it.  The music is good, and Kathy Smith is a great trainer.  She talks through the walk ( just enough, but not so much that it becomes annoying) and keeps a good pace.  There are two 30 min workouts, one is just walking and the other one is a walk/jog. Of course, the workout comes with several other exercise dvd's as well.

So, take a walk today.  Just move!