Thursday, December 8, 2011

New Year's Eve already?

It was a whirlwind couple of days for me.  Quick trip to Oklahoma City and Tulsa and I got to spend some time with my mom and Aunt Connie!  Best thing!!

Got home and Miss Madelyn came to visit me, she was in a good mood yesterday. Just not in the mood to get her photo taken...  We had some errands to run, met up with the accountant and then came home and played kitchen, read some books, colored and ran.  Yes, we ran up and down the hall.  She loves it!  "Run with me Nona!"  How can you say no?

As she was leaving, the Fedex man pulled up with a large box that contained my P90X2!  YIPPEE!!  It's here!  Merry Christmas to me!

I barely had time to get things out of the box before Brian came in and we had to run out again.  We were chatting while running errands about what our New Year's Eve plans are.  I sent a text message to a couple of friends, little did I know that NYE would be mistaken for NOW.  Our friend called and told us that he was there, no band was playing and we weren't there.  After I got done laughing, we met up for a drink and they had dinner ( we had already eaten!)  So, Happy New Year, just a little early!!!  I'm still giggling about this one.  I guess I have had too many texts with mis-spelled words go out!

I got some Kaeng Raeng and am planning on doing a 3 day "cleanse" soon.  Thinking that I will start this weekend or on Monday of next week.  I'm ready to get going again, it's been a while since I have been really on track.  It's time!