Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Social Network Diet

No, I'm not talking about facebook, linkedin, twitter or any other social network website, although I probably need to spend less time online, I am talking about your social circle.  The people you surround yourself with.

If you pick up a copy of The Social Network Diet:  Change Yourself, Change the World by Dr. Miriam Nelson and Jennifer Ackerman.  The book tells stories about real people and how they changed their environment to be set up for success.

As you know, I am always preaching to you about accountability partners, surrounding yourself with positive people and of course, eating clean and working out.  This book just confirms what I have been saying and even though I was a bit skeptical about the book at first, I found that the book was helpful and very informative.I really liked reading about the people changing their environments.    Grab your copy today and let me know what you think about it!  It is in my amazon store if you want to get yours there!!  Just click on the books tab!

I've been doing my challenges on facebook for a while now and I want to share this months challenge with you all.  I know the month is half over, but you can still join in! If you want to join us on facebook, just friend me (www.facebook.com/danalmoritz) and I'll get you added to the group.  The challenges change up every month.  If you are not on facebook and want to participate, just send me an email and I'll send you the challenge info.  However, I highly recommend joining in the facebook group because you get the accountability and support from all the members!
Meatless Monday - don't eat any meat today
Ten on Tuesday - aim for 5 servings of fruit and 5 servings of veggies
Walking on Wednesday - get your 10,000 steps in today
Thirsty Thursday - 64 oz (at least ) of water today - try to ONLY drink water on Thurs. no soda or tea!
Fit on Friday - get in a 30 minute workout of your choice
Souper Saturday - make a big pot of healthy soup to munch on all week!
Stretch your Soul Sunday - stretching and reflection for atleast 15 minutes today!

As always, keep your food journal and get your workouts in daily! I'm going to work on this one this month and see what kind of results I get - take your before/after measurements/photos!
It is pretty self-explanatory, but if you have any questions, please let me know. I'm happy to help!
 Who is in your social circle?  Do you need to take a look at who you associate with and make some changes?  Do you need to change your eating habits?  What can I help you with?